Here at Stock-Class Headquarters we have adopted an updated and simplified version of the old rules which make them more inclusive and less confusing.
We call these the “Stock-Class 2.0” rules.
In order for a paintball gun to be classified as "stock-class" under the new 2.0 rules, it must meet three (3) simple criteria.
The paintball gun must be:
1) manually operated (pump action, lever action, bolt action, etc.)
2) horizontally fed with no assist (having a feed tube that runs parallel to the barrel with no spring assist)
3) powered by a single 12-gram CO2 cartridge
(Examples of “brand name” stock-class guns: Nel-Spots, PGPs, NSG Splatmasters, CCI Stock-Class Phantoms, Lapco Grey Ghosts, Retro 7s, PPS Super-Stockers, PMI-KP2s, PMI-1s, etc.).
Semi-autos, mag-fed, or open-class pumps with any size CA/HPA tanks and/or direct feeds WITH HOPPERS or vertical stick feeds will not be allowed. Absolutely NO exceptions will be made.
Modifications that ARE allowed:
• Any pump-action gun with a direct feed nipple can be equipped with a 90° elbow attached directly to the nipple. A horizontally-mounted feed tube must be mounted directly into the 90° elbow (to prevent excessive "ball stacking").
• Any type of 12-gram CO2 cartridge "bucket changer", or "drop out changer"
• Lever changers/slam changers that hold ONE (1) 12-gram CO2 cartridge
• Stabilizers / regulators
• Maximum 20 round feed tube
• Any length barrel/sized barrels
• Any type of barrel porting
• Any type of "Raincover"
• Pump guns with auto-triggers are allowed because a horizontal feed negates the ability to effectively auto-trigger. Even so, the act of auto-triggering (or attempting to auto-trigger) is NOT allowed.
Modifications that are NOT allowed (because they create an unfair advantage or safety risk):
• 12-gram changers that hold multiple cartridges (AGD 6-packs, ACI turret changers)
• First Strike Rounds
• Spring Feeds
• Any type of Mag-fed system
• Laser sights
Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
Stick Feeds - what is allowed under the new stock-class 2.0 rules
It is important to note that these rules were created specifically for recreational stock-class-only games and events, but can also be used for tournaments or competitions as well.
These new rules keep the game fun, fair and safe for all participants. It’s important to note that we’ve been using these rules in "renegade” games since 2003, and then with events at commercial fields since 2011. During that time, there has not been a single issue or problem administering those rules, or having players adhere to them. The events in the Northeast where these new rules are used average between 50 to 80 participants. In 2016 we had a record number of 97 players! While the location of the venues has changed over the years, the popularity of these new stock-class events continues to grow. Players from all over the United States, as well as Canada, travel long distance to attend the largest “true” stock-class games on the planet where ALL participants are adhering to the same 2.0 rules.