Slim’s Spring Stock Classic

Held every Spring since 2014, the Stock Classic is the best way to start off the season!

Arctic’s Summer Stockstice

This annual event at MSG Paintball in NY celebrates both the Summer Solstice and the original spirit of paintball. Some of the best stock-class players in the Northeast attend this fantastic event!

Slim’s Stocktoberfest

A fall tradition that is held only a few miles from where the very first game of paintball was ever played. Stocktoberfest is an amazing experience
that is not to be missed!


Capital Dave’s Rhode Island
Renegade Stock-Class Event

The ultimate end-of-season stock-class bonanza! Held every year at a secret location somewhere in the great state of RI, and includes an awesome post-game celebration. No bunkers, no structures just pure woodsball action, the way paintball was meant to be played.